
Showing posts from November, 2017

Space Sucks

It gobbled up an astronaut or two Anda few thousand billion dollars. Makin' big noise 'bout the dragons, ya. 'Bout armour and fire breathin' monsters. But fire got nothing to lick against In outer, far out space. And liars with tongues long as telephone wires Perpetuate disgrace. Barry

Shit Screen Goggles

The bugs aren't trying to Stain your teeth. They'll leave you alone if You take your seat. Sit real quiet and Please repeat. I know nothing and I know nothing. Barry

Citizens Of Lucifer Land

He flew their flag. Not upside down. He wore their cap. Their yap and gown. Sent his kid to kill for them. Handed his heart when they Sang the anthem. He did what they asked. And a wee bit more. Did his part to settle the score. Cause shit was lopsided. Bent and fixed. So if he could help He could help with this. Tell 'em all the story. Again and again. Don't stop telling them even when They say they're not listening... They are, my friend. Barry

Half The People With Common Sense Are Oh So Fucking Stupid

You cannot anticipate. Need a sign at every corner. You don't know you gotta pay 'Til they total up your order. Block the isle and a Fire escape. Can't climb the escalator overweight. Vote like the guy on TV says. Got a secret handshake. Wear a stupid Fez. T-boned on a green light You don't even look. Patterns they mean squat to you. You ain't read no book. Curious? You don't have time. System broken? Dammit, fine! Fix it smart guy! Stop yer whinin'. Barry

Welcome! You've Arrived At Sullen Saloon!

Oh, I didn't want to find you here You here. I was hoping you would not be here. But... Here we are, you and I looking Eye to eye because In you I can really see me. Barry

Don't Play With Mean Kids

Fucking kid kicks your ball. Tries to hit you with Your own damn ball! Jesus you wish that kid would fall. But kid don't believe in karma. Barry

Why God Hates Cowards

Scaredy cats are spoiled brats who Think no one will BOO them. Well BOO knows who to put the Screws to and, it does, it really Screws 'em. And then they sing the blues some. Forgetting where they come from. They cannot stay, they Gotta run. Finish that project Half done. Under the gun. It's no fun but Someone... Someone's makin' 'em do it. Barry

Shit's Discounted

Lord moves a mountain. You care not. Diamond sparkle. You have bought. That damn sparkle sure Has wrought. A big damn sparkle a caught. Barry

How To No Shit

You don't feel bad. You're not sad. And you don't care what they're wondering. You're okay even if they say You're not, you should take a pill. You will, if it makes everything alright. But you're not quite Okay with the thought of kiting. Kiting awareness, like it can't fly! Barry

How They Do Shit

Start a fire and make it hotter. Drop a building after that fire. Take a storm and twisty turn it. Take a million minds and churn 'em. You vote and we'll count 'em. Make a mustard seed a mountain. Aluminum lakes that Everyone takes as the new, It's the new, new normal. Barry

It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken

You're soft man. Waay too soft. You talk a lot man. Talk a lot. You're in a spot man. Pick your spot. Gonna rot man. You are rot. In a moment man. You will stop. Yes you will. Stop and rot right on that spot. Barry

Tinting Reality

You say life sucks. I can hear it sucking. You say it's a bitch. I can hear the bitching. Life's full of pricks. I can see them pricking. A big buncha bastards. Gonna hang a licking On that sorry ass You've been kicking But you don't kick hard enough To get to the surface. Baby, you're gonna drown. Down, down. Close your mouth or you will drown! Barry

Tummys Get Full And

That corner shouldn't have been taken. Now's not the time to piss. You should've known by the clarity. No one believes that shit. You've been fooled. Bin hoodwinked. Now you cannot even think. Buddy canya? Barry

What If That's You, Nadine?

I love this cat. I think it's you. I love it like it Might be you. If it ain't. What's to lose? I love you, you know that's true. Barry

Changing Your Environment

Some cats got shit to do. They can't fool with What ain't cool. Change is for Irregular tools who Cannot follow direction. Barry

Your World Is Inside Out, THE World Is Outside In.

He shat his pants. Peed the bed and Yet, he told no one. Picked his nose. Feet stank bad. Didn't repay a loan. Forced to listen when He didn't want to. Grinned at wasn't funny. Stories so untrue. Dreamt a life of freedom. Forgot it all by noon. Silent in between those thoughts A life making cocoon. Get it. Grab a chunk of it. Get it. Grab it. Soon . Barry  

The Devil Is In The Entrails

Some people have the guts to be rude. They spill and spew on everything And they're happy to include You. In their carnage. Their misery is so Crappy you can smell The bad times coming. They're not humming, no They holler from the rooftops and Lord help anyone who gets caught In their putrid and not happy Line of ire. Barry

After Choosing Your Mate Choose How To Mate

Bitch knew which buttons. And when to push 'em. Knew the system to Vaneesh all cushion. Ears she shut, eyes Wouldn't see some Reason, cause there was none. Barry

The Morphogenic Unconscious

A battery don't think but it'll Burn yer finger. Take yer eye out. Ring yer dinger. And that's without thinking! Barry

Good If You Can Fake Insane

The king is not the king and The house don't always win. What matters is not where yer headed What matters is where you've been. Been nowhere? Gitcha back fast. Come in first but Bringing up the ass End. Barry

Do You Want Me Or ...

My attention is a thing. A thing inside and outside myself. I get to use a little bit and the Rest goes on non-self. If you're lucky. Barry