
Showing posts from September, 2017

Jesus Don't Force Me

These two guys within myself They go by James Bartholomew and Dell. They fight like heaven's above hell. But that's not where heaven is... James, he helps the elderly and Dell, he lets the assholes be while Bartholomew, the best of sheep, He lets those sleeping dogs lie. Ya. He wakes up every guy, tho' Just lets those sleeping dogs lie. Barry

A Big One Equal Fitty Fly Lives

You live once is That correct? Or do you want to change your bet? Maybe life ain't exactly what you think. Maybe life's a flask and you're a drink. Maybe light leaks through That little fink! And maybe. just maybe, you're a leaker! Barry

Tattoo Your Face

It's a jungle out there and Where's your machete? How's your shoulder? Are you good to swing? Ain't no path here. None worth traveling. How's your shoulder? Are you good to swing? Barry

You. Limited.

Do so much. Do some more. Buddy, that shit makes You sore. Now you found it! Beyond pain. Shit right there's your real gain. Barry

They Want Us Talking

"Hey Hellen, you hear the kids?" he asks. "No, I'm on the phone," says Hellen. "I don't hear no kids." You don't hear the kids?! He inside voices. That shit can't be good! Kids and silence, as Hellen should know, That shit can't be good! Hellen. How can that shit be good?! Barry

A Wrtten Threat Affects Effects

Fuck you! I'll write it down! We'll see who is the goddamn clown! I'll slit my throat and bring you down! Man, I hope this note gets found... Ya I hope I get found too. What else can a lost guy do? Sit and wonder who and who?! No way! I'm writing shit down! Barry

Going Against The Grain Takes A Lot Of Damn Grain

Try as you might You will win against nothing. Glare real hard with huffing and puffing. Swing with the ages and Dance on the edges and See two levels at once. One level deadly. One level not. Can'tcha twirl to dizzy a bunch? Don't closa eyes too hard. Barry

Your Heart Lives On Satan Avenue

Jesus Christ! That was close! Didn't even notice those Super slider snow skates Waiting on the go down steps. One haul on those slipperies and You wind up where you get. Ain't no choosin' now tho', cause Your choice been made tough. Make's no difference how you dance Or whose throat wind up kut. How you ride the super sliders Buddy, that's what's up. Barry

The Barrier To Entry Is You

You don't think you don't think But the fact is You do. There's more times when you do this Then you'll admit to you. You act without you acting. Back without looking back. You back over your dead dog Rover And you ain't got no dog named Rover So whom you backing over? Barry

You Probably Are Fucked

You're going down with the ship Cause you are tied to it. You damn dimwit! Lookit this shit! Every decision With precision No revision You envision Something that ain't quite true. See, You changed your mind That did unwind All you entwined Up until that day. Where you are now Came there and how You take a big bow This play was writ by you. Barry

It's The Coil Man! It's The Coil!

You're breaking up. Sputtering bad. Worse damn ride you ever had. Just told the man that shit's okay Knew it all along the man did say But it wasn't okay There was trouble. In a space where it can double. Give a little airtime. Give a bitta space. Trouble gonna cause you to displace The reason you even started. Persistence. Pally, there's just one way. Barry

The Price Of Higher Consciousness Is Pain

Sure, you let the good times roll. There's no toll On happiness Right? You let the chips fall Where they may. If it ain't today There's tomorrow. Okay? You say with a smirk on your face. Cause you know there's no place For the kind of disgrace that Knowing far more than you should Will allow. When you care too much and you Know there ain't much Chance that someone will care more than you do. Empathy hurts and Empathizer's desserts Are sweet with a topping of sour. Barry

When Your Good Friend's A Serial Killer

Ivan sometimes I hate you. Why things gotta die around you? I treat you nice and don't think twice To bare my jugular to you. But fuck, you kill. We save some, still... Doesn't anything besides you have a name? Barry

The Devil Is Smallish

A pill slipped from your fingers and You reached right out for it. That reach unplanned tipped you a bit The weight you shifted into it Your hand unglued from the railing. Down you went a-flailing. Ka-rack went your hip bone. Man, how you groany-moaned... That pill was supposed to help you! Barry

Clamp Your Chompers On Pain

Don't wear a tall white hat and ride On a big white horse. When you fight a battle, see You mix in with the source. Sneak up behind it. Swiftly blind it. Then you'll find it Loses a lot of fight. Barry

The More You Care About Others Illuminates They Got Shit To Do

Wave and then they're gone and now What we havin' for lunch? Ya, you care about them but not Right now and not a bunch. Their consciousness is local, Your Consciousness is loco. There's a difference and You know so. Barry

What You Produce Is More Important Than You

Look at history piling up. Trees planted in a row. Living with the polar bear. Alley-gator and buffalo. Got these walls. This umbrella. I am such a lucky fella! Barry

A Make Love Life

Goddammit Ivan, I love you. Not in that order but yes, I do. Love my children, garden too. Love my wife. Love this strife. Love this gout with it's butcher knife. Yes, I do. It is true. I am a maker of much love! Barry

Cringe Worthy Moments

Fuck you are an idiot. A douche bag and a twat. Taking wet swings in your paper bag life While it mocks Is that all you got?! You don't give a shit though You're wading in it and it's down to the faintest skid mark. You say you're trying You know you're lying. Life's a big wind storm and you're a fart. Barry

To Change A Window Find The Town, Find The Street And Then You'll Find The House.

Kick real hard at your shadow. Your shadow will kick back. But the ground airborne in the first kick Has something the ground shadow lacks. It's depth and it's dimension from which The shadow takes it's shape. So if you wanna change your shadow, ya You gotta figure out how it's made. Barry

Big Camera On My 'Puter And Two Tiny Ones On My Phone

Joke says tape your computer hole. Untape it if you have to go. Take two spies in the bathroom stall And everywhere else you go. They got a million faces. Your face in a million places. Got your voice. All you do. They could leave a trace of you. Barry

Plenty Of Fish? My God! We're Just Fish!

Aha man or ma'am! I caught you! Lookee, lookee here...! Who have I caught and Why now and why here? Someone is fishing Is it me or is it you? Who moving their mouth now? Say it ain't true! Barry

Micro Macro Is The Shit

Liars can stop lying. Myself? I used to lie. See, lies are slippery slopes in a rainstorm. Matters not how the climber climbs. Lies dig trenches and fills them with shit. Then the liars obsess with staying out of it. But to get ahead Always trenches and With 'em shit storms and Fo' sho' drenches. Barry 

The Internet Killed My Guy

You're a figment, you. You're not real. That's not you on the window seal. That's your rep. Repping for you. Don't get too connected ooh... They'll unplug you. Where you go? Back to the place you make your show! Barry

Stop Caring So Much For Everyone Else And Start Caring For Yourself

Only so many fucks to be given. Yours gonna hafta wait. Maybe you ain't realized that Buddy, you are bait. They reel you in and You bring others. Sons and daughters. Bring two mothers. They'll tell two and Then two others. But falter once... Step out of line... They'll instantly get behind Another. Barry

Contrast. Contrast. Contrast. Contrast. Contrast. Contrast.

You're a beggar for punishment, you. You know what you'll do. Drive like you're crazy. Like other crazy drivers. Super sprint to work and Arrive without high fivers. Don't think what you are doing. Just doing, doing, doing. You pay before, Your life no more Means anything, now does it. It's time, it's only time. Time to take a peek. Look under your sleepy sleep. Glow sticks just beneath! Barry

Did Mom And Dad Tell You The Truth Or Didja Hafta Find Out Yourself?

That job ain't worth what you think. That diamond's just a rock. The funds in the bank just Ain't your funds and buddy You can put a sock In it. If you don't like what you see. Pally, you be free. To look anew and only you Can decipher reality. Barry